Brunswick Centre Go Bollywood Stage Concepts

Brunswick Centre – Go Bollywood


The management team and events organisers at the Brunswick Shopping Centre in London


Large stage roof system and stage deck system for ‘Go Bollywood’ and future live summer events at the Brunswick Centre in London.


Custom SC Pro 11m x 11m arched stage roof package with lifting towers and an all-weather stage deck system with tiered band section.

Brunswick Centre – Go Bollywood

The Brunswick Shopping Centre, located in London, regularly hosts cultural events, but in this instance, they required a large, custom stage for their Go Bollywood event. Held in 2019, the Go Bollywood event saw 9,000 Londoners enjoy a night of free entertainment and had the chance to enjoy the sights, sounds, aromas and flavours of traditional and contemporary Indian culture.

The stage was required to support bands, DJs, dancers and other entertainers, and since it was being held in March, a roof was vital. The organisers reached out to Stage Concepts to help design and supply the perfect stage for their project.

What was involved?

The brief was for a modular stage that needed to be built over the top of a water feature in a busy London shopping centre, whilst having a roof system.

With 4 weeks to turn the project around, we settled on a custom 11m x 11m stage roof system that featured an arched canopy, which helped to give the impression of the stage being open-air whilst providing shelter from the elements.

This roof system was manufactured from a heavy-duty Quad Truss, featuring a box frame lifting tower design to make it easy to raise and lower the roof. This is essential for many reasons. The first is that this solves the logistical issue of fitting the roof to the stage at such a height. Being able to raise the roof once assembled makes installation simpler, whilst also providing the benefit of allowing the stage roof to be easily decorated.

To hold the roof safely in place, water-filled ballast tanks were included, which anchored the legs of the roof system to keep everything safe and stable.

The stage itself was our Alustage SCA11 anti-slip 2m x 1m platforms with a raised section near the back for the live band. The anti-slip element of the stage is particularly essential for outdoor events as there is always the risk of moisture and dust getting onto the stage.

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The End Result

Stage Concepts worked with the customer to develop the stage system to meet their specific needs, and succeeded in designing, supplying and installing the stage within 4 weeks, ready for the event.

Needless to say, the event was a huge success and the customer went on to use the modular stage deck and roof system for their Go Greek event. Being modular, the staging lends itself to a variety of other uses that the organisers can utilise without being restricted by size, whilst also being easy to pack away and store.

Stage Concepts can help you achieve the stage system and stage roof package to best suit both location and budget constraints, so get in touch with us today.

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