Aviva Digital Garage London


Insurance company Aviva were looking to build a new way of working for their staff.


Standard stage deck platforms for an adaptable space that can perform many different roles.


Our off-the-shelf stage platform was the perfect solution and was used throughout the building.

Aviva Digital Garage London

Opened in July 2015 in the heart of London’s trendy Hoxton Square, the Digital Garage is insurance giant Aviva’s non-conventional office space for its creative minds to help it transverse from the analogue world of paperwork and phone calls to the type of quick digital experience customers now look for.

The building was designed for use by the Aviva research teams and was intended to provide an environment that was conducive to stimulating new ideas for their business; as such they were looking for something different and ‘edgy’ rather than a traditional style of office.

The Digital Garage is a dedicated space for technical specialists, creative designers, and commercial teams working together in a relaxed and informal manner.

With its various themed meeting rooms, comfy furniture and open plan design, the building is more like a stylish home or bar than you expect in an office space.

Employees have room to explore, develop, and test new insurance ideas and services within an environment similar to a highly flexible and personalised tech startup.

What was involved?

The team at Digital Garage contacted us in April 2016 having already decided on their chosen system from looking on our website, so this was a nice simple job as the items they required were all off-the-shelf components so could be with them with no waiting.

With their versatility in use, our standard stage deck platforms are a perfect fit for an adaptable space as they can perform many different roles.

From their main function as a raised stage unit for talks and presentations, tiered seating platforms and raised plinths for product demonstration, they also fulfil roles as tables, workbenches, canteen and layout surfaces, office desks and as stands for item display.

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The End Result

We supplied fifteen 1m x 1m stage decks to the Digital Garage, along with two different heights of legs to give them quick change flexibility. They have been put into use all over the building, from coffee tables to display stands in the development areas, and can be quickly altered in height to suit what’s required that particular day.

We also supplied locking clamps to allow several of the platforms to be locked together to form a larger solid structure should it be needed.

Their immense weight-loading capability of the SCA03 platform makes them such an asset, as there’s nothing they can’t handle, so are a considered choice in an adaptive environment.

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