Kings Bull Nightclub


Kings Entertainment Management is a fast-growing company, bringing new life and fresh ideas to the old run-down pubs and social venues.


African clubs playing hip hop and dancehall music have two specific requirements, volume and bass, and both must be available in huge amounts.


A high-performance system from the Amate Audio Joker range featuring subwoofers, main fill speakers and small fill units.

Kings Bull Nightclub, Barking

Kings Entertainment Management is a fast-growing company, bringing new life and fresh ideas to the old run-down pubs and social venues in the old town of Barking on the South East outskirts of London, with a large dose of African flare bringing with it enthusiasm and a strong sense of focus.

The Bull pub has sat vacant in Barking town centre since its closure in 2010. It’s a landmark building, dating back to the 1400s in its original guest house form, being rebuilt fully in 1925 when it became a pub, and stayed so until its closure.

After successfully renovating Barking’s old Brewery Tap Pub into a bar and eatery venue in 2015, the Kings team focused on providing their loyal customers with an evening venue for dancing and social events. The large ground floor area available at the Bull Pub made it a great choice, with a solid structure, high ceilings, storage areas and basement, along with its main road, and non-residential location keeping it away from being a nuisance to locals at turning out time.

What was involved?

African clubs playing hip hop and dancehall music have two specific requirements, volume and bass, and both must be available in what are fairly obscene amounts. It’s part of the music culture and is seen as a real measure of a venue’s quality and seriousness if it can provide them both effortlessly.

The sound system for the Bull was to be a showcase for the club and its brand, so we were asked by the owners to specify for them an installation package that would impress guests on a weekly basis and be able to cope with the high SPL and frequency demands placed upon it.

A high-performance system from the Amate Audio Joker range was chosen, featuring subwoofers, main fill speakers and small fill units located in strategic points around the dancefloor and the rest of the venue to give maximum coverage and impact, minimising dead spots and maximising clarity.

The system utilises a traditional passive speaker and external amplifier configuration which is a much better option than individual active units when in an install situation such as this. It allows proper cooling, monitoring and adjustment of the amplifiers and crossover systems from a single location which is so much more practical. Also in the case of the system requirements here, it allowed us to provide a level of amplifier reserve power to the system that simply isn’t possible on self-powered units, with an Amate 608 DSP limiter management unit controlling everything through a custom-designed program.

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The End Result

Kings wanted bass, and they wanted it in excess, so we were happy to oblige them. For the dancefloor, a pair (yes a pair!) of Amate JK218W4 subwoofers, which are dual 18” units with a 4000 W, 141 dB peak available down to 28 Hz. They are truly staggering in performance, with each being supplied in this case by its own dedicated Amate HD4000 power amplifier.

For the bar area and the VIP lounge, each was allocated their own JK18W2 single 18” 2000 W subunit, with a huge 135 dB peak SPL output, powered together using a bridged HD3200 power amplifier to ensure they are never underpowered when being driven hard.

It’s difficult to describe the level of bass pressure this 6 x 18” driver system can deliver into a fairly modest space.

The DSP unit sets the crossover and drop-off curve to deliver full power across the entire bass frequency sweep, something most amplifiers cannot output but the HD range can, and it provides just an incredible audible and physical experience.

The main dancefloor sound is taken care of by four 15”JK15N point source boxes powered by another HD3200, joined by four 12” JK12’s at the bar and VIP areas, and with fill duties in the remaining seating and rest areas taken care of with six 10” JK10 units, fed via three HD2000 amplifiers bridged together via the DSP.

The club opened on August 25th 2017 to a fantastic reception. Kings Bull is thrilled with the effortless and dynamic performance of the system, as it has the type of power and clarity that leaves clubgoers longing for a return visit. So impressed in fact that a similar (though not as extreme) Amate Audio system is in the plans for the Kings Lounge venue.

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